
i-STAT for Effective Triage of COVID-19 Cases

Much of our country’s success in our battle against the pandemic rests on our healthcare system’s capacity to diagnose and treat positive cases. And in facing such a contagious virus, much importance and vigilance must be placed on the very first phase of patient management: the triage.

The unavoidable influx of patients must be met with the utmost diagnostic efficiency and accuracy for an effective triage program to work. That is why i-STAT, as the ideal point-of-care device, is perfectly adept in handling the needs of the hectic triage area.

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Streamlining the Screening Process
With most triage spaces located outside the medical facility, the need to transfer screening samples to and from the central lab is inconvenient, to say the least. With i-STAT’s renowned analysis speed, our frontliners can be provided with the needed parameters in just minutes right at the patients’ side. Its efficiency can offer the early identification of deteriorating health in patients, effectively screening patients requiring immediate medical attention.

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AVAILABLE HERE: i-STAT Handheld Blood Analyzer

Containing the COVID-19 Virus
As aforementioned, i-STAT’s handheld structure eliminates the need to transport potentially infectious samples. It limits any possible contamination within the medical facility by keeping the samples separate from areas with non-infected patients. i-STAT’s single-use, self-contained cartridges also reduce infection risk by limiting exposure to potentially infectious bodily fluids during testing.

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Gaining All Vital Diagnostics
In detecting and monitoring COVID-19 cases, various parameters must be tested. This would include testing for metabolic status and renal functions (chemistry and electrolytes), the oxygenation status or presence of hypercapnia (blood gases), as well as the presence of hyperlactatemia or septic shock (lactate). For COVID-19 monitoring, i-STA’s CG4+, CHEM8+, cTnI, BHCG, PT/INR, and BNP cartridges are capable of delivering accurate data for these necessary parameters at real-time speed.

Learn more about how the i-STAT analyzer can boost the patient triage efficiency of COVID-19 healthcare facilities. For inquiries and quotation requests, please feel free to fill out this form below.